19 Aug 2015
Visits to Bafut, Sabga, Widikum.
If you have the opportunity to be visiting Cameroon’s North West Regional capital of Bamenda, it will benefit you if you sacrifice one day to make short visits to some interesting places at the periphery of this vibrant city.
It was an enriching experience for me to make such short trips to Bafut, Widikum, and Sabga.
Bafut situated about 30 minutes drive from Bamenda has three places of interest that I will recommend to visitors. The palace of the paramount traditional ruler of Bafut (A UNESCO listed world heritage site) is one compelling example to visit and understand the cultural, historical and social context in which the people of North West Region live.

I visited the palace with my children for them to appreciate the history of this five century old kingdom. This is one palace in this part of the country that has succeeded to preserve a substantial quantity of its antiquity. Visit the following links to learn more.
CNN report on Bafut palace http://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/06/08/inside-africa-cameroon-history-a-spc.cnn
Illustrative presentation of Bafut palace http://www.wmf.org/sites/default/files/wmf_publication/Bafut-Palace.pdf
The two other places to visit in Bafut are SABOGA (Savanna Botanic Garden) and Saddle Hill Resort and Ranch

At these two places you will enjoy leisure and nature.
You can also dash out of Bamenda and head for Widikum through Bali and Batibo. This will give you an opportunity to witness in less than two hours the dramatic change in landscape and climate between Bamenda area that is grassy and cold and Widikum that is forested and hot. You can stop for a glass of the best raffia palm wine in Cameroon called ‘fitchuk’ in Batibo on your way back from Widikum.

Sabga was another place on the outskirts of Bamenda that we visited. Sabga located after Bambili is the most elevated point between Bamenda and Ndop and one of the most beautiful places near Bamenda city. There is a large presence of Bororo herdsmen here due to abundance of grassy hills. On a clear day, you can stand from Sabga and see the vast Ndop plain as far as your eyes can explore.

So when next you are in Bamenda, do not complain of boredom.
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Njei Moses Timah