17 Jun 2011
Our primary trip to Durban, South Africa was to participate in the biannual Conference of pharmacists from the Commonwealth nations. We arrived in Durban a day before the opening ceremony. We therefore took advantage of the free afternoon on the first day to visit the Moses Mabhida stadium complex (one of the hosts of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. http://www.mosesmabhidastadium.co.za/)
The stadium was named after the South African Communist party leader/activist who played a significant role in the struggle to dismantle Apartheid in South Africa. There are a couple of attractions on the stadium complex but the main destination of tourists is a ride on the sky car or to take 550 steps climb to highest point above the stadium. At this point (100m high) you can have a panoramic view of Durban city.

Another touristic site that we had the opportunity to visit before the end of the conference is the PheZulu Safari Park situated some 35 km outside Durban center. (http://www.phezulusafaripark.co.za/phezulu.htm). We paid a visit to the portion of the Park that houses crocodiles and also the Zulu village. We saw giant crocodiles—with at least one that was more than 100 years old.
At a demonstrative Zulu village, we were shown how the Zulus lived in the past in their dome shaped huts equipped with simple household utensils. Another phase of the visit involved a session where a group acted the different steps of Zulu marital rituals that culminated finally into celebrative singing and dancing. Visitors to this sight often participate in the dancing. The dancers wear the traditional Zulu attire that has come to symbolize South African culture. Watch video of one of the songs I recorded. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leKtpMOACC0

My female colleagues did not miss the opportunity to import Zulu fashion into Cameroon as can be seen in the image below. Also watch video of a ‘Zulu fashion parade’ by them at this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RljdCigJaFs

We concluded our social outings in Durban by having a dinner at an underwater aquarium at the Ushaka Marine World—a popular multi-purpose resort near the beach. This outing was arranged for all conference attendees by conference organizers. We had dinner in a grounded ship while watching sizeable fish swimming behind the transparent glass that separated us from them. Link to Ushaka Marine World http://www.ushakamarineworld.co.za/sea-world.
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